Sunday, 10 March 2013

Any run is better than none

This weekend I'd decided that I wanted to spend time with the family, so no long runs were planned. I didn't actually know if I'd run at all, but after a lovely afternoon climbing at Alien Rock we got home and the sun was out (mixed with flurries of snow!) so the running gear was pulled on, the dog was harnessed up and off we went.

It was about 5.30 so the light was already fading and I'd opted not to bring my head torch so I knew I'd not be out for long. I just headed out to the river and onto the short Lennoxlove loop. It was bitter! There was only a dusting of snow on the ground, despite the blizzards earlier, but the Lammermuirs looked spectacular in the distance and I kind of wished I was there instead.

It was only a mere 4.5 miles in the end, but it felt good to be out. I need to make some time to get a few long runs in over the next few weeks. I'm feeling a bit frustrated that I'm not able to get out more, but it is what it is, sometimes life gets in the way.

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